Business Services to Help You Succeed

  • Accurate and comprehensive credit and non-credit business and consumer data
  • Advanced statistical analysis providing insights for better decisions and profitablity

As the leader in the industry, Experian® provides insights that help businesses target new markets, improve response rates and increase revenue.  We maintain extensive credit databases to help businesses lend profitably and minimize credit risk. Our collections tools improve operational efficiencies and optimize debt recovery. Our data and analytics help companies maximize their marketing investments by communicating with customers more effectively. In addition, through our expertise, we help clients protect their assets with tools and insights that help prevent fraud.

Customer Acquisition

Identify creditworthy businesses and consumers most likely to respond to new offers. Using Experian's immense databases and target-marketing platforms, you can make customer acquisition more cost-effective and less risky. Optimize your efforts by targeting only viable customers likely to convert to your brand.

Customer Management

Maximize customer relationships with tools that help you execute successful customer and credit portfolio management strategies.  Better understand your customers and strengthen your relationships with customers. Our data management expertise combines advanced scoring and analytics.

Risk Management

In this volatile economy, managing risk is essential to limiting profit loss. Experian programs use predictive scoring models to better segment your portfolio, plus our applications utilize triggers and notification services so you can track, analyze and take action quickly to reduce write-offs and identify additional revenue opportunities.

Fraud Management

Spot fraud and protect your company and assets with Experian's investigation and identity authentication tools, fraud protection services and credit card verification systems.

Debt Recovery

Locate skipped accounts, determine which debt portfolios have the greatest revenue potential, tailor collections by type of debt, and utilize Experian's analytics to manage and maximize your debt recovery efforts.

Solutions for Vertical Markets

  • Advertising and Media
  • Automotive
  • Banking
  • Capital Markets
  • Catalog
  • Consumer Products
  • Credit Unions
  • Data Brokers
  • Government
  • Retail, Travel and Hospitality
  • Telecommunications and Energy
  • Tenant Screening

Complimentary Webinars

Credit Scoring and mortgage modifications: What Lenders Need to Know

Learn how mortgage restructuring programs such as government sponsored modification programs, short sales, foreclosures, and are impacting consumers' credit scores.

Register Now

Small-Business Risk: Understanding the Recession's Impact on Credit

Has the recession made it difficult to determine which small businesses are good credit risks? Learn how to identify healthy businesses using new trends. We analyzed more than 300,000 small businesses over the last two years – discover the latest findings.

Learn More and Register Now