Implement Better Collection Strategies

Reduce costs, increase efficiency and maximize your recovery efforts. With our industry-leading information assets, software and expertise in debt collection, Experian's powerful products can help you develop more focused collection strategies by profitably locating, segmenting and prioritizing debtor accounts.

Locate Hard-to-Find-Debtors

Find debtors you've been unable to reach and get the most up-to-date contact information. Experian's extensive databases of consumer and commercial information are updated frequently, enabling you to locate elusive debtors, make contact and collect unpaid debt.

Collection Prioritization and Strategy

Develop a more focused collection strategy by determining which accounts have the highest payment potential. Our advanced scoring and segmentation tools arm you with the complete portfolio intelligence you need to stay ahead of the competition. Further increase debt recovery through ongoing portfolio monitoring. By analyzing industry trends and testing new strategies, you'll be able to maximize collections and better manage your accounts receivable.

Monitor Unpaid Debt

Customers who've gone into arrears usually become solvent again at some point in time. We'll monitor your debtor accounts and let you know when a customer's ability to pay has improved so you can immediately start working the account again and collect the unpaid balance.

Collections Management System

Experian's TallymanTM collections management system supports all types of customer debt, including mortgages, credit cards, loans and overdrafts and has a proven track record of improving debt receivables. Tallyman is a functionally rich collections management system that automates and streamlines the collections process, enabling clients to maximize resource performance while minimizing overhead, outsourcing costs and IT reliance.

Complimentary Webinar

Improve Your Profitability Through Advancements in Collection Scoring

Learn how advancements in scoring can help you develop strategies based on cost, effort and impact to streamline your collection process and recover more dollars.

  • View Webinar Now
Learn about PriorityScore for CollectionsSM

Delinquency Notification Service

Increase collections 4-9%

Motivate debt payment. With Experian's Delinquency Notification Services, past due accounts are warned that delinquency affects their business credit score.

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Collection TriggersSM

Improve collection rates

Be the first to know when a debtor's ability to pay is improving, and first to contact these customers to collect. Features daily monitoring and customizable triggers.

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